ulland investment advisors

High Dividend Investment Specialists

Ulland Investment Advisors (UIA) is a boutique investment advisory firm located in Minneapolis dedicated to building and securing our clients’ wealth. For over a decade, UIA has identified unique investment opportunities, including our most recent strategy for wealth creation: Trust Preferred Securities that have current dividends of over 7 percent, a core holding of our Defensive Growth strategy. Using separately managed accounts, Ulland Investment Advisors meets your risk tolerance and return expectations.

Call 612-312-1400 to learn more.

Obtaining High Dividends using Trust Preferred Securities

UIA’s Defensive Growth strategy is focused on long-term growth while providing a higher degree of short-term stability than the typical portfolio of stocks.

Today, it is more difficult than ever to achieve meaningful returns with an acceptable level of risk. Defensive Growth aims to do just that using trust preferred securities as a core holding, in addition to stable large-cap companies and corporate bonds. This strategy is designed for those who might otherwise avoid equity exposure or are unsatisfied with low CD and money market returns.

Over the last 10 years, equities have provided investors with inconsistent returns and increasing volatility. For this reason, the Defensive Growth strategy has become increasingly attractive to our clients, especially those with more immediate income needs. The portion of the portfolio allocated to trust preferred securities and other fixed income will be determined by market conditions and your risk tolerance.

Portfolios comprised solely of trust preferreds and corporate bonds have dividend and interests yields of over 7 percent. Learn More.

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Ulland Investment Advisors

4550 IDS Center · Eighty South Eighth Street · Minneapolis MN 55402 · Telephone: 612-312-1400 · Facsimile: 612-204-3464